
Showing posts from May, 2020

1/4 (Part 2)

Kembali lagi di blog favorit para nigolaners I hope semuanya baik-baik saja Masih pada stay di rumah dan stay healthy tentunya Setelah seminggu lebih dipenuhi dengan kesibukan kerjaan dan online course, akhirnya gw punya waktu untuk kembali disini melanjutkan cerita tentang my quarter life crisis so lets refresh where we left off last week (seperti recap film netflix ceritanya) Kembali ke jakarta setelah 4 tahun berada di luar mengubah pola pikir dan ekspetasi akan fase berikut di kehidupan gw I was struggling with hatred, disappointment, shame and insecurity in me Hingga akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk melanjutkan mengambil master di singapur It was not easy at the beginning I was contemplating with so many uncertainties and questions in my head Is this a good decision? Will i regret it? Am i too old to go back to school? Am i gonna waste my my time? Am i only running away from reality? Apakah ini benar-benar yang gw mau? Satu hal yang...

1/4 (Part 1)

Welcome back to my blog nigolaners Hope everyone is coping well with this self-quarantine situation and staying sane tho i know it's been pretty though 1 thing that i can say just eat whatever u want and stay alive cos getting fat is technically better than dying jangan lupa untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan dan jangan takut akan gelap (on the side note: ga nyambung tapi gw lumayan terkejut tau tasya penyanyi kecil jaman dulu uda punya anak) This post will be pretty deep i guess, it's something that i never really share with anyone else what i went through the last 2-3 years was shit Quarter life crisis I dont wanna sound lebay or baper cos some of u might not believe in it or think im just ranting out for something relatively small as compared to others But for me, it really hit me I went through hatred, shame, disappointment, insecurity over myself I was lost Cerita bermula dari kepulangan gw dari newcastle setelah s1 selese Having stayed overseas far...