Life in The Midst COVID-19

Selamat berjumpa kembali
para nigolaners

Well, it's been a while since my last post
Life has been up and down for me (i mean no shit, everybody's is, tho i hope everybody is doing well)
The last time i wrote a blog was 4 years ago
I just completed my undergrad study back then,
started my first full-time job at a photography agency in Jakarta.
Abis itu, I found my passion for superfoods, particularly in acai bowl (check out the ig, bukan endorse loh)
Sometime after, i decided to pursue a masters degree at SMU.
Setelah lulus (alhamdullilah), i started a new job as a marketing exec sampai sekarang (and still counting).
So that was a quick update of my life,
with me based in Singapore for now.

In case you guys are asking "kok tiba2 ngeblog lagi?"
Firstly, I need to thank someone for spurring me to write again,
she was reading my blog, and she told me it was good,
despite me saying it was receh and malu-maluin.
Jujur, i thought my blog was kinda lame, whatever i wrote was meaningless,
i kinda lost the reason why i was writing all of these shits,
tho deep down, there were times i knew i wanted to write,
to release all shits/thoughts that i was keeping to myself.
So, after she told me that,
it got me thinking for a while,
and my mind couldn't stop thinking about it
and i feel there's something inside my heart,
my urge to ngeblog,
voila, here i am at 00:30 right on my laptop typing this blog out now.

Memasuki minggu ke 4 CB (circuit breaker or known as lockdown in most countries),
im having these mixed feelings,
bosen di rumah for most of the time,
disappointed for not being able to board on my trip to Canada,
sedih ga bisa balik indo to see my family (and mpek2),
missing working from office & seeing colleagues,
and the list goes on and on.

I know it's kinda cheesy to say
we used to take things for granted,
everyone has been saying that,
but it is TRUE.

Before CB,
i had all the time to go out every day (minus working hours on weekdays)
but most of the time i chose to stay at home.
On weekdays abis kantor, i would have dinner and langsung pulang
On weekends, bakal mager di rumah if there's no appointment with anyone
I used to find staying at home a luxury,
why does one need to go out kalo ga penting-penting amet.

Before CB,
most of people that i know of were already on work from home (WFH) arrangement,
while my company still operating as usual at that point in time.
Jujur, rada ngiri sirik julid
sempet mikir enak ya kerja dari rumah
enak ya gausah commute ke kantor
enak ya bisa bangun lebih siang
enak ya bisa tidur siang
I wanted to wfh so badly like everybody else

Back to reality,
i am given all the time 24/7 x 2 months to stay at home,
is it still a luxury?

no sugar coating,
it is ngebosenin
apalagi di saat memasuki minggu ke 3.

But back to myself again,
how i should see and perceive this circuit breaker period

Do you really want to go out and get exposed by the risk of infection
or worse you might be asymptomatic and expose the virus to others?
I watched a documentary video on ig recently,
there was a guy who is positive and has to spend his time getting quarantined
not in a hospital
but in an isolation facility at expo,
as worse as you can imagine,
jadi dalam 1 hall, terdapat ratusan-ribuan cubical dengan ukuran sekitar 2x2m
and that guy (together with hundreds other sick people),
have to spend their 24/7 x gatau berapa hari
dalam cubical kecil seadanya
no sinar matahari
makan-makanan yang seadanya
mandi di common bathroom
have limited access to medical resources (the number of nurses seems to be low)
until they are declared fully recovered.

Yeah, it sounds overwhelming
imagining myself to be in his shoes,
i'm thankful for where i am today.

It made me realise,
betapa nyamannya kita dengan keadaan kita sekarang berada di rumah.
We still get to sleep on our own bed (with bunch of pillows & guling - mandatory for me)
we still get to eat whatever we want (tho there are less options)
we still get to run & exercise outdoor
we still get to see our loved ones (for those who are staying together - sadly not in my case T.T)
we still get to do grocery
we still get to bathe in our clean bathroom
we still get to watch netflix on a big screen
we still get to nap sometimes in the afternoon (plis jngn kasih tau bos gw)
we still get to work from home
we still get to be healthy
we still get to live

staying at home is a luxury.

Be grateful & stay positive folks!
Stop bersungut-sungut!
Hope everyone healthy & safe!
Dedi & Nigolan


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