
terasa abu-abu bagi mereka yang kurang familiar
walaupun kita tau pasti advertisement itu ada dimana-mana,
di jalanan, fb, youtube, and even your phone,
you may know the surface yet not the core part of it.

Cerita bermula 4 stngh taun lalu,
Di masa kelas 3 SMA,
titik penentuan,
mau kemana gw abis ini?
mau ngapain gw abis ini?
gw harus kuliah apa?

Bukan mau pamer ato apa,
tapi dulu gw ambil ipa,
dan nilai gw bisa dibilang ga jelek jelek banget,
gw bisa menangkap pelajaran lumayan cepat,

but i was so certain that i didn't want to continue any science shits for the rest of my life,
i knew that gw ga seberapa brilliant di bidang science even I did survive,
gw ga bisa jadi dokter karena hafalan biologi gw lemah,
gw ga mau ambil teknik kimia ataupun biotech karena gw ga suka sama sekali,
gw ga mau ambil teknik sipil ataupun elektro karena menurut gw itu bener-bener susah,
gw ga sepinter temen-temen gw yang uda ikut OSN atau any international olympics,
and to be realistic, i didn't see myself of having any good future if i picked science.

Di waktu itu dedi remaja sempat punya plan buat jadi arsitek,
Gw suka banget bikin rumah di the sims,
dan bisa makan waktu seharian buat bikin the most dazzling house ever.
Gw sempat suka baca buku architecture & interior.
Gw sempat suka menggambar,
dan seenggaknya acrchitecture masih menyangkut logika ipa.
Dan there was UnPar in my head.

Dedi remaja memutuskan untuk les gambar sebagai persiapan menempuh ujian masuk,
karena sebelum itu I was totally having no idea on how to draw all these architecture stuff,
dan untuk lulus ujian masuk itu dibutuhkan architecture portfolio based on the task given.

1-2 bulan awal,
full of perspective drawings,
gw sempat merasa it was all fun and exciting.

masuk ke minggu-minggu berikutnya,
it's just getting more and more dreadful,
segala sesuatu ada aturannya,
kita ga bisa berkreasi sebebas ruang kreatifitas kita,
and i was so sure,
if architecture wasn't my forte.

Dan waktu itu gw sempat meminta ganti topik sama bu mel (guru les gambar gw),
menggambar orang, mencoba beragam medium: pensil, pensil warna, cat air, pastel, kolase.
Surprisingly gw berasa cocok dengan apa yg gw lakukan saat itu.

And there was an open house around Feb,
I was just browsing around,
the first name that caught my attention was Lasalle.

Then I went to another room and there it came Nafa stall,
"advertising" was on of the course list
and I seriously had no idea why?
I just felt: "this is it, the one that i should go for my next three years"

Cerita sampingan:
There's always this moment,
ketika gw berasa ada bisikan di kepala "this is your next path in life, don't miss it"
i call it "life-calling moment"

Bulan juli 2011,
Dedi remaja masuk Nafa.

Year 1,
semua anak Design and Media itu belom ada penjurusan,
masih dicampur-campur jadi satu,
kits semua diajarin foundation of design,
design elements, colours, typography, photography,  painting,
segala sesuatunya masih serba basic.
Gw bener-bener ga punya gambaran apa itu advertising di year 1 itu.

Masuk ke year 2,
penjurusan 6 major:
advertising, graphic design, illustration, animation, interactive media, and video production.

Since the first time I had chosen advertising as my major,
so here I was at 2B Advertising Class.

First of all,
kita diajarin struktur dari sebuah advertising agency,
basically di suatu agency itu ada:

1. Creative:
Creative Director (who is basically the judge that will decide the work before it's shown to the client)
Art Director (art directing any idea and visual aspects of the campaign)
Copywriter (write the copy and work hand in hand with Art Director to come up with a brilliant idea)
It's good for an art director to find his/her right copywriter partner, karena in ad industry they always have this so-called "married couple", once you find the right partner, you will be ready to ace all the briefs.

art director is not a designer,
even they can design really well, yes they do
even maybe they started their career as a designer,
art director can do designer's job, yet it doesn't work the other way round.

2. Account Executive:
Semacam penghubung antara client dengan creative team, typically dicap negatif tapi bukan berarti gajinya rendah dan ga semuanya itu negatif

3. Traffic:
Membagi-bagi projects ke team creative dan mengatur sebaik mungkin biar semua kerjaan dibagi sama rata, selesai tepat waktu

4. Final Artist:
semacam kerjaan yang ga membutuhkan creativity involved, you just have to be extra careful because you are the last person that readjust everything before it goes to the production house.

5. Media Planner:
Mereka khusus nge-research sejumlah data tentang media space, dan menyediakan data kepada client, which media space is the most suitable for the advertisements of your client.

6. Graphic Designer, Animator, Interactive (Unnecessary, because most of the time they work independently)

As an advertising student,
tentunya kita diberikan Art Direction and Copywriting lessons,
how to do traditional advertisements (print ads, flyer, tvc, radio ads) from both aspects,
how to sell the product with your ad,
how to think creatively,
yet I used to kena rejected all the time cos my ideas didn't work.

Honestly, I did really get a hard time with art direction at first.
Because I just really hated print ads, like a lot.

Kita juga diajarin
Research and Development; how to collect data before you can come up with such an idea for your campaign
Marketing; karena advertising merupakan salah satu bagian dari marketing, maka kita harus mengerti apa itu marketing so we could analyse everything from a bigger perspective
Typography & Layout; if you wanna be an art director, you must ace this skill for real!
Business & Branding; bagaimana kita menyisipkan sebuah inovasi ke dalam business, dan mempresentasikannya in a professional manner.

Jujur gw bener-bener gatau mau jadi apa pada waktu itu,
gw masih kagak ada bayangan what would I do in the agency?
art director?
gw ga berasa gw kreatif,
gw ga berasa software skills gw that pro,
gw ga berasa advertising itu fun at all,
gw ga yakin.

And here we go to the 3rd year,
there was this new lecturer called YQ (inisial azekk),
she was the one who introduced me to the "real" world of advertising.
Once in class, she has shown this simple yet sweetest campaign ever:

UNICEF Tap Project; which anyone can donate for their tap water in the restaurants.

Gw bener-bener berasa this is my life-calling moment.
It did open my eyes,
actually advertising is not only about boring print ads,
"trying-to-be-funny" tvc or even shitty radio ads,
it's a new form of campaign,
it's creative,
it's ground-breaking,
it surprises everyone.

Another lecturer H taught me:
today of advertising is
how can a brand interact together with the consumer hand in hand.
we don't preach to them anymore,
not communicating one way anymore,
both parties can talk to each other,
getting rewarded together,
or even could change the world (advertising for a good course),
and of course it must be creative that makes you think "shit I wish I would've done that!"

And I was like "yeah this is what i'm gonna do! i fancy this field"

Dan di tahun ini,
gw bener-bener berusaha,
gw tau ini tahun terakhir gw di nafa,
i have to make my mark,
build my portfolio,
create a number of ad campaigns,
do all my research every day,
keep improving my design sense n skill,
get my mind into the right track of creative advertising,
join any awards even the chance of winning something is pretty little and end up without winning anything, that's totally fine,
at least I have done something,
and I know I'm going somewhere else,
and it's going to the right way.

jujur menurut gw
creative advertising itu bukan bidang yg mudah,
ga semudah yg org bayangkan
ga sesimpel pertanyaan orang-orang,
lu advertising belajar apaan sih?
iklan apa?
hey, advertising is more than a stupid print ad.

it's not an easy task to come up with such a brilliant idea,
most of the time during consultation,
the lecturers will just shut your ideas down,
which was so depressing like shit and I'm so used to it right now,
dan menurut gw kena rejected itu suatu hal yg biasa,
dan malah membawa dampak positif,
karena hal itu bakal menyadarkan kita kalau our idea is just a total crap that doesn't work,
dan slowly lu bakal mampu menganalisis suatu idea dari perspektif mereka (professional),
if you don't feel confident with your ideas,why would they?
u then should start question yourself: what's wrong with the idea? any way to to solve it?
and most of the time, weak ideas will just get killed
and yeah its good to kill your own baby.

and this is the best part for Creative to know
advertising is a competitive industry,
we are award freaks,
you keep getting award every year and get famous,
or stay out of the circle.

Research, see what the world has done before.
Daydreaming, and build the most craziest shit ever,..
Believe in yourself, and be your own judge.
Keep trying, even they all will shoot you down because it just ain't good enough,
but walking slowly to the right is direction is better than nothing.
Never give up.
And don't be cocky, thats gonna be the end of your career.

I know i'm just nobody at the moment,
I got no rights to say such things,
but this is what I have learnt during my 3 years in nafa,
hope it could give you guys a better understanding of today advertising,
what the world expects from advertising.

Akhir dari cerita:

Setelah melalui 3 tahun di nafa,
gw jadi sadar of what i want to do in my life for the next 5 years (hopefully more),
art director.

Gw tipe orang yang cepet bosen,
I'm into new challenges,
and here is advertising,
the answer of my dream.

One of my biggest dreams is to see the world,
gw pengen banget ngerasain apa rasanya tinggal di berbagai belahan bumi ini,
and what i mean is to stay in another state for  > 6months,

And i believe advertising could be my stepping stone for what i have been dreaming of.

Maybe it sounds a bit ambitious,
maybe not,
but i know that we need an ambition in our life,
or else it will just be another meaningless ending.
click to view my works :)


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